Hello! As you know, we add new scientific illustrations every week in Mind the Graph. We already have a library with thousands illustrations and couting.

We make new illustrations based on our users requests so, if you are a subscriber  you can request new illustrations too! Awesome, right?

Take a look at the new illustrations of the week:

25-hydroxycholesterol and cholesterol molecules:


Ice and bucket of ice

“Hello, I am looking for a picture of ice, bucket of ice or cool glass surface”

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Snooker player and balls

Hello, can you add snooker player and balls?

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Spray drier

“I am trying to include this in my paper publication, could you make this graphic for me? It’s a machine that converts liquid to powder form called Spray Drier.”


Illustrations of cardiology

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New Amoebas and fungus illustrations

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Allovahlkampfia spelaea and Vermamoeba vermiformis 

image (28)

Did you like the new illustrations? Start now for free and enjoy all the illustrations available at Mind the Graph. If are already a subscriber and you are missing any illustration, just write for us!



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