Hello, it is time to show the new Mind the Graph scientific illustrations. We already have over eight thousands illustrations in our library and all them are available to all mind the graph users (free users included). So, if you are a mind the graph user, don’t forget to check the news every week on our blog or platform.

However, if aren’t a mind the graph user yet, you can start now for free to have access to thousands of medical and scientific illustrations. Moreover, you can use the free plan as long as you want.


But, if you are already using mind the graph, it is time to check out the new scientific illustrations:


Rat dorsal cancer

rat dorsal cancer

Lab and medical equipments


Mouse Surgery

mouse surgery

Caenorhabditis elegans life cycle


Chemical structures


Protein Folding

protein folding

Velvet grass


These illustrations and other thousands ones are available on Mind the Graph to you create graphical abstracts, infographics, papers, posters, classes and anything you want.

I need different scientific illustrations. What should I do?

You can see all the illustrations and templates available on our website. Even with all these illustrations available, it is possible that you still don’t find the one you need. Mainly if are working on a new experiment or treatment. But don’t worry. If you are a subscriber, you can request it at no extra cost.

However, if you aren’t a subscriber yet, you can upgrade now to enjoy all the benefits of a premium account.

So, if you want a specific illustration that you didn’t find on Mind the Graph or want the full features of an unlimited plan, it is time to upgrade:



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